Xinjiang Area Codes

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, located in the far northwest of China, is the country’s largest provincial-level administrative region. Known for its diverse ethnic makeup, stunning landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, Xinjiang is a fascinating destination for travelers interested in exploring the Silk Road, experiencing unique cultures, and marveling at natural wonders. Here, we will list and describe the area codes for major cities and regions in Xinjiang and provide instructions on how to dial Xinjiang from outside China.

  1. Ürümqi (乌鲁木齐市):
    • Overview: Ürümqi, the capital city of Xinjiang, is a vibrant metropolis located in the heart of the region. It is a melting pot of cultures, with a mix of Han Chinese, Uygur, Kazakh, and other ethnic groups contributing to its diverse atmosphere. Ürümqi is known for its bustling bazaars, such as the Grand Bazaar and Erdaoqiao Market, where visitors can sample local delicacies, purchase traditional crafts, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of Xinjiang’s markets. The city is also a gateway to exploring the natural wonders of the region, including the Tian Shan Mountains and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum.
    • Area Code: 991
    • How to Dial: To call Ürümqi from outside China, dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (991), and finally the local phone number.
  2. Kashgar (喀什市):
    • Overview: Kashgar, located in the western part of Xinjiang near the borders of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, is one of the region’s oldest cities and a cultural crossroads along the ancient Silk Road. It is known for its well-preserved Old City, characterized by narrow alleyways, traditional mud-brick houses, and historic mosques. Kashgar’s Sunday Market is one of the largest and most vibrant bazaars in Central Asia, attracting traders and tourists from across the region. The city is also a gateway to exploring the surrounding desert landscapes, including the Taklamakan Desert and the Karakoram Mountains.
    • Area Code: 998
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (998), and finally the local phone number.
  3. Turpan (吐鲁番市):
    • Overview: Turpan, located in the eastern part of Xinjiang, is known for its unique geography, ancient ruins, and grape cultivation. It is situated in the Turpan Depression, one of the lowest and hottest places on Earth, and is famous for attractions such as the Jiaohe Ruins, an ancient Silk Road city built on a plateau, and the Flaming Mountains, characterized by their red sandstone cliffs. Turpan is also known for its sweet and seedless grapes, which are grown in the surrounding vineyards and sold in local markets.
    • Area Code: 995
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (995), and finally the local phone number.
  4. Hotan (和田市):
    • Overview: Hotan, located in the southern part of Xinjiang, is known for its rich history, traditional crafts, and fertile oasis landscapes. It is situated along the southern branch of the Silk Road and is famous for its production of jade, carpets, and silk. Hotan’s Sunday Market is a bustling hub of activity, where visitors can browse stalls selling everything from local produce to handmade crafts. The city is also home to historic sites such as the Hotan Museum and the Yotkan Ancient City Ruins.
    • Area Code: 906
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (906), and finally the local phone number.
  5. Karamay (克拉玛依市):
    • Overview: Karamay, located in the northern part of Xinjiang, is known for its oil industry, desert landscapes, and modern urban development. It is situated in the Dzungarian Basin and is surrounded by the vast Gobi Desert. Karamay is a relatively young city, having been established in the 1950s as an oil-producing center. Today, it is known for attractions such as the Karamay Oil City Museum, which showcases the history and development of the local oil industry, and the Ghost City of Karamay, a unique geological formation.
    • Area Code: 990
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (990), and finally the local phone number.
  6. Aksu (阿克苏市):
    • Overview: Aksu, located in the southwestern part of Xinjiang, is known for its agricultural production, historical sites, and natural beauty. It is situated along the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains and is famous for attractions such as the Kuqa Grand Canyon, a stunning natural gorge with towering cliffs and rushing rivers, and the Kizil Thousand-Buddha Caves, a complex of ancient Buddhist caves adorned with colorful murals. Aksu is also known for its production of cotton, fruits, and grains, which thrive in the region’s fertile valleys.
    • Area Code: 997
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (997), and finally the local phone number.

To dial any of these cities from outside China, follow these steps:

  1. Exit Code: Dial the exit code of your country. This is typically represented by a “+” symbol followed by a combination of digits, such as “00” in many European countries and “011” in the United States and Canada.
  2. China’s Country Code: After dialing the exit code, enter China’s country code, which is “86”.
  3. Area Code: Enter the area code of the specific city you wish to call. Refer to the list above for the respective area codes of Xinjiang cities.
  4. Local Phone Number: Finally, dial the local phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach. This typically consists of 7-8 digits.

For example, if you were dialing a hotel in Ürümqi from the United Kingdom, you would dial: 00 (UK’s exit code) + 86 (China’s country code) + 991 (Ürümqi’s area code) + [local phone number].

Remember to check with your phone service provider for any specific international dialing instructions or additional charges that may apply when making calls to China from outside the country.

By following these instructions, you can easily connect with individuals and businesses in Xinjiang from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re calling for business or leisure, Xinjiang’s cities offer a wealth of cultural, historical, and natural attractions waiting to be explored.

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