Yunnan Area Codes

Yunnan, located in southwestern China, is a province renowned for its diverse ethnic cultures, stunning natural landscapes, and rich history. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the tropical rainforests of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan offers a wide range of experiences for travelers. Here, we will list and describe the area codes for major cities and regions in Yunnan and provide instructions on how to dial Yunnan from outside China.

  1. Kunming (昆明市):
    • Overview: Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan, is known as the “Spring City” due to its mild climate and year-round greenery. Situated on the eastern edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Kunming is a modern metropolis with a rich cultural heritage. The city is home to attractions such as the Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its unique limestone formations, and the Yuantong Temple, one of the oldest and largest Buddhist temples in Yunnan. Kunming’s diverse population includes Han Chinese, Yi, Bai, and other ethnic groups, contributing to its vibrant cultural scene and culinary diversity.
    • Area Code: 871
    • How to Dial: To call Kunming from outside China, dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (871), and finally the local phone number.
  2. Dali (大理市):
    • Overview: Dali, located in northwestern Yunnan, is known for its well-preserved ancient town, stunning natural scenery, and vibrant cultural traditions. Situated between the Cangshan Mountains and Erhai Lake, Dali’s Old Town is a maze of cobblestone streets, traditional courtyard homes, and ancient temples. The city is home to attractions such as the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple, a symbol of Dali’s rich history and Buddhist heritage, and the Xizhou Bai Minority Village, where visitors can learn about the customs and traditions of the Bai ethnic group. Dali is also famous for its vibrant arts scene, with many local artists specializing in traditional crafts such as tie-dyeing and batik.
    • Area Code: 872
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (872), and finally the local phone number.
  3. Lijiang (丽江市):
    • Overview: Lijiang, located in northwestern Yunnan, is known for its well-preserved ancient town, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant Naxi culture. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lijiang’s Old Town is a maze of cobblestone streets, wooden houses, and traditional courtyard homes. The city is home to attractions such as the Mu Residence, the former home of the ruling Mu family, and the Black Dragon Pool, a scenic park with a tranquil lake and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Lijiang is also a hub for outdoor activities, including hiking in the nearby Tiger Leaping Gorge and exploring the scenic villages of the Lijiang Valley.
    • Area Code: 888
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (888), and finally the local phone number.
  4. Shangri-La (香格里拉市):
    • Overview: Shangri-La, also known as Zhongdian, is a mountainous town located in northwestern Yunnan, near the border with Tibet. Situated at an elevation of over 3,000 meters, Shangri-La is known for its stunning alpine scenery, Tibetan culture, and sacred Buddhist sites. The town is home to attractions such as the Songzanlin Monastery, a sprawling Tibetan Buddhist complex often referred to as the “Little Potala Palace,” and the Ganden Sumtseling Monastery, one of the largest Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Yunnan. Shangri-La is also a gateway to the nearby Meili Snow Mountain, a sacred peak revered by Tibetan Buddhists.
    • Area Code: 887
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (887), and finally the local phone number.
  5. Xishuangbanna (西双版纳傣族自治州):
    • Overview: Xishuangbanna, located in southern Yunnan, is known for its tropical climate, lush rainforests, and diverse ethnic cultures. Home to the Dai ethnic group, Xishuangbanna is known for its colorful festivals, traditional villages, and delicious cuisine. The region is home to attractions such as the Menglun Tropical Botanical Garden, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its diverse plant species, and the Jinghong Night Market, where visitors can sample local delicacies and shop for handmade crafts. Xishuangbanna is also famous for its tea plantations, particularly its production of pu’er tea, a fermented tea prized for its rich flavor and health benefits.
    • Area Code: 691
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (691), and finally the local phone number.
  6. Baoshan (保山市):
    • Overview: Baoshan, located in western Yunnan, is known for its dramatic landscapes, ancient towns, and ethnic diversity. The city is situated along the banks of the Nujiang River, which winds its way through deep gorges and rugged mountains. Baoshan is home to attractions such as the Nujiang Grand Canyon, a spectacular natural wonder known for its towering cliffs and turquoise waters, and the ancient town of Tengchong, which is famous for its hot springs, volcanic landscapes, and historic architecture. Baoshan is also known for its rich cultural heritage, with numerous ethnic groups, including the Lisu, Bai, and Yi, calling the region home.
    • Area Code: 875
    • How to Dial: Dial your country’s exit code, followed by China’s country code (86), then the area code (875), and finally the local phone number.

To dial any of these cities or regions from outside China, follow these steps:

  1. Exit Code: Dial the exit code of your country. This is typically represented by a “+” symbol followed by a combination of digits, such as “00” in many European countries and “011” in the United States and Canada.
  2. China’s Country Code: After dialing the exit code, enter China’s country code, which is “86”.
  3. Area Code: Enter the area code of the specific city or region you wish to call. Refer to the list above for the respective area codes of Yunnan cities and regions.
  4. Local Phone Number: Finally, dial the local phone number of the person or business you are trying to reach. This typically consists of 7-8 digits.

For example, if you were dialing a hotel in Kunming from Australia, you would dial: 0011 (Australia’s exit code) + 86 (China’s country code) + 871 (Kunming’s area code) + [local phone number].

Remember to check with your phone service provider for any specific international dialing instructions or additional charges that may apply when making calls to Yunnan from outside the country.

By following these instructions, you can easily connect with individuals and businesses in Yunnan from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re calling to plan your itinerary, book accommodations, or simply inquire about local attractions, Yunnan’s cities and regions offer a wealth of experiences waiting to be explored.

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